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by Phil Anonimouse

Hello / Welcome

1 min read

What's this? Is it Rant 30 already? Not quite, we're still getting things started.

Rant 30 is a brand new site by Phil Anonimouse that is just beginning. Things will be up and running here shortly, but hopefully not too shortly. In the meantime, why don't you subscribe if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published!

About Rant30

Well, we're glad you're here, and we hope you stay. Rant30 is a place for our Supreme Authors to rant, vent, and get hot and spicy takes out into the world. It's uncensored, unadulterated, and un-politically-correct news and opinions.

We're tired of being told what we can and can't say. We're tired of being told to be quite. And so now we're doing something about it.

Please, join us as we explore this depraved world, and hopefully, we will come out the other end sooner rather than later.

With the federal election in Australia right around the corner (i.e. sometime this year, also known as whenever the current government could be arsed) I think there is merit in a timely reminder on how our voting system works in this country. Why do I think you all need


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